NGOs Training

The events were a joined effort between the Polish Green Network and the University of Silesia. In total 12 trainings were organised in which 223 beneficiaries participated.

The events organised by the Polish Green Network are listed below, followed by the events organised by the University of Silesia :

The first training workshop, mainly focusing on climate policy and specifically on environmental protection in the context of the European Green Deal, and dedicated for people affiliated with NGOs, took place 19th June 2023 near Warsaw, Poland (at ‘Oczyszczalnia Miejsce’ in Ludwików). Topics discussed included biodiversity, forest and river protection, general introduction to EU and Polish climate policy, and DNSH (Do No Significant Harm) principle.

Further details:

Training workshop has been carried out in Poland for the environmental NGOs that mostly referred to the environmental protection in the European Green Deal Context. Focus was placed on biodiversity, river and forest protection as well as the DNSH principle. Additionally, a practical exercise was carried out regarding assessment of the governmental documents pertaining to the DNSH principle and criteria for the EU funds spending in Poland. Overall, the event facilitated expert knowledge sharing and awareness creation, networking and collaboration between various actors engaged in environmental protection in Poland (i.e. there was a large representation of non-governmental organisations that monitor spending of EU funds on climate in Poland, and valuable practices could be shared and potential communication channels and working groups established); therefore it can be argued that the event helped to achieve some of the project’s intended impacts and objectives, namely, ‘reducing the identified gap in the general knowledge regarding the impact of climate change’, and ‘contribution to the formation of a responsible climate policy in Central European countries’. Further information regarding the event can be accessed here:

Out of 43 participants 24 have filled out the EU Survey and 22 (92%) gave it the overall assessment as 5/5 while the remaining 2 (8%) evaluated the event as 4/5. For all responders, their knowledge and skills were improved by the workshop, with the majority of responders marking 5/5 or 4/5 in this area. Other topics in the survey were also marked favourably. Based on the participant feedback, we consider this learning activity to be a success and having empowered Polish environmental NGOs in their ability to protect the climate and the environment

The subsequent event: ‘Integration for Just Transition,’ dedicated to the Just Transition of Eastern Greater Poland, took place on September 18, 2023 in Konin, Poland and was attended by 27 participants. This meeting provided an excellent opportunity for networking, exchanging experiences, strengthening cooperation, and obtaining valuable information regarding the EU funding. During the event, a discussion took place about priority issues in the region and topics related to the strategy for utilising EU funds for the transition. Eastern Greater Poland, as a mining and energy-producing area particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate and economic changes, requires coordinated actions for a transition that ensures attractive prospects for its residents today and in the future. Therefore, we hoped that this meeting could be another step towards achieving this goal.

The substantive part of the meeting included an introduction to Just Transition and the guidelines for the region, presentations of the main problems and suggested solutions. Refreshments and dinner were provided during the event. Only 4 participants filled out the EU Survey, nevertheless 50% of the respondents gave overall assessment of the event 5/5 while evaluations of 4/5  and 3/5 received one answer each respectively.

The third event, which took place on 1st March 2024 in Warsaw, Poland between 11:00 and 4:00 PM involved providing workshops on European Green Deal, Biodiversity and Energy policies within the European and Polish context and was addressed to NGOs that also focus on/ have interest in climate education for the young people. The sessions were delivered by experts from the Polish Green Network. Out of 8 qualifying participants in the 3rd event, 8 have filled in the EU survey, and 7 rated the overall assessment of the workshop as 5/5. For all responders, their knowledge and skills were improved by the workshop, with the majority of responders marking 5/5 or 4/5 in this area. Other topics in the survey were also marked favourably. Based on the participant feedback, we consider this learning activity to be a success and to have empowered Polish environmental NGOs in their ability to protect the climate and the environment by empowering them to better inform and educate others about European Environmental and Climate Policies.

The 4th event on the 29th May 2024 focused on ‘green’ priorities (of the European Green Deal) for social development, and competency building. The aim was increasing awareness and knowledge of the narratives surrounding the European Green Deal among NGO and media representatives. An analysis of the European Green Deal priorities among the political parties prior to the elections to the Euro Parliament was presented.  Additionally, topics such as fake news and potential social impacts of not adopting the European Green Deal were discussed. Presentations were delivered by the Polish Green Network experts: Krzysztof Mrozek and Rafał Rykowski.

Description of the workshops carried out by the University of Silesia:

Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) play an important role in building an active and informed civil society, as well as in the process of exerting pressure on policy makers to combat climate change. However, despite the tremendous commitment of members of local organizations, some of them often do not have adequate knowledge of the legal regulations that enable them to activate society and publicly express their views.

The training began with a brief introduction on the problem of climate change, followed by a discussion of constitutional norms concerning, among other things:

1) the duties of public administration bodies in protecting the environment,

2) freedom of speech and obtaining and disseminating information,

3) freedom of association and formation of non-governmental organizations.

Subsequently, the trainees were made aware of the differences between a public entity (the state), an individual (e.g. a natural person) and a non-governmental organization, emphasizing the entity-based distinctiveness of the latter. It was pointed out that a non-governmental organization, such as an association, can independently, among other things, publish a press, organize public assemblies, or be a party to administrative or judicial proceedings.

In the second part of the training, exercises were carried out in the preparation of relevant applications for legal institutions to exert pressure on public administration bodies in the field of combating climate change, i.e.:

1) a request for public information,

2) a request for environmental information,

3) a request to organize a public assembly.

In addition, the following issues were addressed in the training in a complementary way:

1) the concept of climate claims,

2) the role and relevance of sovereign and independent courts,

3) the phenomenon of greenwashing,

4) the impact of climate change on intellectual property law.

The meeting took the form of an interactive introductory lecture (in part one) and practical exercises (in part two). Participants were able to ask questions and express their own views and positions. They also received relevant training materials (including handbook, information brochure).

Later, the trainees received certificates of completion.

  1. Information about the training:

On 15.02.2024, from 16:00 to 19:00 at the Community Cultural Center “Promyk” in Bystra, a training course was held under the title: “Legal situation of NGOs in the process of social activation and counteracting climate change”.

Information on trainees:

Participants in the training were representatives of NGOs operating in the area of Bystra (primarily: “Society of Friends of Bystra”). In total, the training was attended by 13 persons.

Participants’ impressions and comments:
The participants of the training were very interested in the issues of environmental protection and combating climate change. As members of non-governmental organizations, that is, individuals who are active as citizens, especially in the local community, the participants were particularly curious about the rights they have in the relationship between the state and the individual, and the state and the NGO.
 Participants highlighted certain areas that they believe are inadequately regulated by current laws, or where the state should intensify or change its actions to properly protect the rights of individuals and society. These areas include:
 1) fake news, the threat of disinformation,
 2) restriction of freedom of speech: factual (e.g., by social media) and psychological (e.g., by the phenomenon of political correctness – certain things should not be said),
 3) the burden of tackling climate change being placed too heavily and sometimes unjustifiably on ordinary citizens.

  1. Information about the training:

On 14.03.2024, from 16:00 to 19:00 at the University of the Third Age in Łazy, a training course was held under the title: “Legal situation of NGOs in the process of social activation and counteracting climate change”.

Information on trainees:

Participants in the training were representatives of NGOs operating in the area of Łazy . In total, the training was attended by 18 persons.

Participants’ impressions and comments:
The participants of the training were generally interested in the issues of environmental protection and combating climate change. However, a large number of participants pointed out that the measures sometimes taken, especially the burdens (obligations) imposed on citizens, are exaggerated and in fact do not aim to protect the environment, but – in their opinion – serve the particular interests of certain social groups (business, policy makers). Regulations on electric cars and pressures to change dietary practices (limiting meat, allowing flour from insects) were cited as examples.
Participants in the training stressed that it is becoming increasingly difficult for them to determine which information provided in the media (Internet, television) is true, and which is in fact propaganda of certain business groups.
At the same time, all participants agreed that both individuals and states should intensify their efforts to combat climate change.

  1. Information about the training:

On 28.05.2024, from 17:30 to 20:40 in the SPIN-US in Katowice, a training course was held under the title: “Legal situation of NGOs in the process of social activation and counteracting climate change”.

Information on trainees:

Participants in the training were representatives of NGOs operating in the area of Katowice (mainly dealing with climate protection issues). In total, the training was attended by 15 persons.

Participants’ impressions and comments:
The participants of the training were very interested in environmental issues and, at the same time, involved in combating climate change. They were mostly members of non-governmental organizations that take active measures in this area (e.g., challenging decisions of public authorities, taking part in ongoing administrative proceedings, and even organizing protests and demonstrations).
All participants in the training agreed that the environmental protection measures taken by public authorities are insufficient. At the same time, a large part of society remains uninterested in the ongoing climate change. According to some participants, the reason for this phenomenon is improperly constructed (outdated) legislation, which not only does not support, but even discourages citizens from taking active measures in the public sphere. As a result, this prevents the development of an active and informed civil society.

  1. Information about the training:

On 12.06.2024, from 16:00 to 19:00 in the Center of Civil Dialogue in Opole, a training course was held under the title: “Climate change and the role of NGOs in social activism in the face of these changes”.

Information on trainees:

Participants in the training were representatives of NGOs operating in the area of Opole (mainly dealing with climate protection issues). In total, the training was attended by 16 persons.

Participants’ impressions and comments:

All participants in the training agreed that progressive climate change requires intensified action by both policymakers and citizens themselves. At the same time, some participants argued that the actual human impact on climate change (compared to natural factors) is actually unexplored.

A large number of the meeting’s participants were also critical of some of the actions taken by public entities, especially the European Union. As an example, they cited the very strong emphasis (even coercion) on the use of electric cars (which are not at all zero-emission vehicles) and the issue of the Green Deal (which, according to some participants, is actually guided by the realization of certain economic interests of certain groups, rather than real environmental protection).

  1. Information about the training:

On 21.06.2024, from 16:00 to 19:00 at the headquarters of the “Fundacja Wiedzy i Dialogu Społecznego AGERE AUDE” in Chorzów, a training course was held under the title: “Legal situation of NGOs in the process of social activation and counteracting climate change”.

Information on trainees:

Participants in the training were representatives of NGO (foundation) called “Fundacja Wiedzy i Dialogu Społecznego AGERE AUDE”. In total, the training was attended by 10 persons.

Participants’ impressions and comments:

Participants in the training agreed that efforts to reduce human impact on climate change should be undertaken and intensified. At the same time, however, some participants pointed out that a large part of the regulations (and solutions) introduced by policymakers do little to achieve the intended goals and introduce disproportionate (ineffective) burdens on ordinary people (the example of paper straws and plastic caps). Participants in the training also pointed out that the legal regulations in force in Poland related to the conduct of social dialogue are insufficient, and public participation in ongoing proceedings is often treated by public administration bodies as a necessary evil.

  1. Information about the training:

On 10.09.2024, from 16:00 to 19:00 in the headquarters of the “Fundacja Oczami Brata” in Częstochowa, a training course was held under the title: “Legal situation of NGOs in the process of social activation and counteracting climate change”.

Information on trainees:
Participants in the training were representatives of NGO: “Fundacja Oczami Brata” operating in the area of Częstochowa. In total, the training was attended by 10 persons.

Participants’ impressions and comments:
Participants were aware of the progressive nature of climate change and agreed on the need to intensify efforts to reduce human impact on climate change. At the same time, participants pointed out that the measures taken by public authorities are insufficient and do not take on a systemic character. For example, attention was drawn to the practical difficulties citizens face in disposing of specific waste, such as batteries (no special containers available) or electronic equipment. Some people highlighted the frequent lack of transparency in the activities of public administration bodies (not only in environmental protection but also in other activities concerning public affairs).

  1. Information about the training:

On 12.09.2024, from 11:15 to 14:15 in the Center of Non-governmental Organizations in Sosnowiec (Plac Kościuszki 5), a training course was held under the title: “Legal situation of NGOs in the process of social activation and counteracting climate change”.

Information on trainees:

Participants in the training were representatives of NGOs operating in the area of Sosnowiec . In total, the training was attended by 17 persons.

Participants’ impressions and comments:

Participants stressed that on many public issues (not only those related to combating climate change), they feel helpless and that public authorities treat them as enemies. Some participants also raised the issue that the principle of equality before the law does not work well in practice. Some official cases are prioritized, while others are marginalized by policymakers, depending on who is party to the proceedings.

Many participants highlighted the huge problem of disinformation in the modern world and the associated difficulty of accessing reliable and verified (truthful) information – this also, or perhaps especially, applies to environmental and climate change issues.

  1. Information about the training:

On 19.09.2024, from 16:00 to 19:00 in the headquarters of the “Stowarzyszenie Kulturalno-Sportowe Łagisza” in Będzin, a training course was held under the title: “Legal situation of NGOs in the process of social activation and counteracting climate change”.

Information on trainees:

Participants in the training were representatives of NGO: “Stowarzyszenie Kulturalno-Sportowe Łagisza” operating in the area of Będzin. In total, the training was attended by 24 persons.

Participants’ impressions and comments:

Participants generally agreed on the progressive nature of climate change and its human impact. At the same time, however, some participants pointed out that the measures taken „officially” to combat climate change have only a token effect. Paper straws, caps attached to plastic bottles and too many fractions (in waste segregation) were examples. Participants emphasised that, in their view, regular inspections of the numerous industrial plants emitting greenhouse gases and strict compliance with existing laws concerning them would have a more significant effect.

  1. Information about the training:

On 25.09.2024, from 16:00 to 19:00 in the headquarters of the „Stowarzyszenie Na Rzecz Środowiska Człowieka” in Katowice, a training course was held under the title: “Legal situation of NGOs in the process of social activation and counteracting climate change”.

Information on trainees:
Participants in the training were representatives of NGO: “Stowarzyszenie Na Rzecz Środowiska Człowieka” operating in the area of Katowice. In total, the training was attended by 15 people.

Participants’ impressions and comments:
Some respondents also pointed out the lack of well-thought-out (systemic) initiatives (programs) of the local authorities, which would encourage the inhabitants to act in a more environmentally friendly way – for example, they pointed out that public transport is not the best and the still insufficient network of bicycle lanes, as a result of which the majority of people still choose the car as the primary means of transport. It was also stressed that (local) politicians too rarely consider local communities’ voices when planning and implementing further “pro-environmental” investments. Overall, it can be argued that the execution of all the project’s planned activities led to the achievement of its objectives, namely: stimulation of the reflection and engagement of citizens and communities in discussions and actions related to climate policy; introduction to the legal tools that help to put pressure on the local and national governments to take more decisive measures to improve climate; raising awareness of the climate change litigation; promotion of citizens’ and representative associations’ participation and contribution to the democratic and civic life.

Summary of the event from 19th June 2023 can be found also below in Polish:

Podsumowanie wydarzenia 19 czerwca 2023 r.:

Pierwsze warsztaty plenerowe dotyczące polityki klimatycznej w kontekście Europejskiego Zielonego Ładu (EZŁ) dedykowane osobom powiązanym z organizacjami pozarządowymi (NGO) zajmującymi się sprawami ochrony środowiska i klimatu odbyły się 19 czerwca 2023 r. w przepięknej lokalizacji ‘Oczyszczalnia Miejsce‘ w Ludwikowie pod Warszawą. Poruszane tematy dotyczyły ochrony przyrody w kontekście Europejskiego Zielonego Ładu, a w szczególności dyskutowane były kwestie związane ze strategią bioróżnorodności, ochroną drzew, sytuacją rzek w Polsce oraz zasadą DNSH (‘nie czyń poważnych szkód’).

Podsumowanie wydarzenia: Europejski Zielony Ład – plenerowe warsztaty dla NGO